WORK/ Branding Identity/ JUN KIDS


Jun Kids is a retail brand specializing in high-quality products for children, aiming to bring joy to kids and peace of mind to families.
The Jun Kids logo features a colorful umbrella, symbolizing protection, care, and the innocent joy of childhood. The pink, orange, and green tones of the umbrella represent cheerfulness, creativity, and energy.
The logo design is cute and friendly while maintaining a modern touch, creating a sense of closeness and suitability for children.
In addition to the umbrella illustration, the standout elements of the logo include its vibrant and harmonious color palette, along with the rounded and soft font that exudes charm and friendliness.
The Jun Kids logo is highly versatile, effortlessly adaptable to product packaging, signage, websites, and digital materials, ensuring consistent and outstanding brand recognition.

  • CLIENTHieu My
  • INDUSTRYBaby Shop
  • PERIOD11/2024